News Archive

FiliaSol contract with HTSO SA for 1.5MW PV

FiliaSol S.A. signed a 20-year power purchase contract with the Hellenic Transmission System Operator S.A. with a set tarrif at 0,3728 EURO per Watt. It is estimated that the installation will have savings of 1,715,000 kgs of CO2 per annum. The investment is currently under review.

Filia Environmental Industries investment project

Filia Environmental Industries SA investment project for plastic bottles recycling has been approved from the Ministry of Regional Development and Competitiveness. The total cost of the project is estimated at 2,8 million Euro, of which 1.072.000 euro of subsidy from the "GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE 2010" program of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007 -2013.

Filiacom registered as PV modules collection point

Filiacom S.A., in view of further developing an energy and environmental business park, has signed a contract with PV CYCLE and is now registered as an official collection point of PV modules. PV CYCLE is an international non-pro­fit association that organizes the European-wide take-back and recycling system of photovoltaic modules.

Filiacom plans for a rooftop PV installation

Filiacom S.A. has applied to the PPC for a permit to install 900 kW unit on the rooftop of its industrial property in Filiates. This unit will be one of the largest rooftop installations in Greece and will have savings of 975,000 kgs of CO2 per annum.

New corporate entity established

A new corporate entity, Filia Environmental Industries S.A. was established by Filia Group for the purpose of recycling plastic bottles for the production of rPET flakes.

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